先週末は、「祝!公園でギター♪」日だったので、ギターを持ち歩くお供に「ナガシのクマさん」マスコット(赤いてぬぐいマフラーにした「神田川」ベアーです☆)を作り、私のギターに付けて一緒に行きました。猛暑の中、お友達と4時間近くギター弾きました! 外で音楽、楽しいですね♪
My husband got URL "mamikoikeda.com" for me this month, so I re-created my website again. I found I could add blog easily, so I decided to start my blog here.
Last weekend, I played guitar at a park, for the first time to play guitar outside, so I put "strolling guitar player bear" as my guitar mascot. ♪ I played guitar for nearly four hours at the park with my friend. Outdoor music was really a fun!