I was honored to perform this song at the memorial service yesterday.
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Dedicated to my dear friend Roland Bernier Jr. I was honored to perform this song at the memorial service yesterday. この曲を昨夜の追悼会で演奏させていただきました。私なりの親愛なる友人ローランドさんの天国への旅立ちのお祈りです。
I have put this photo on the fridge since 2012. Roland has been such a lovely wonderful friend. Rest in Peace, my dear friend Roland. 倒れてから亡くなるまで十日…。2012年に一緒に撮った写真、ずっと冷蔵庫に貼っていました。ローランドさん、安らかにお眠りください…。
蕾む時 (Benighted Time)
Music, A.guitar, E.guitar, Keyboard, Chorus & Cabasa by Yoichi Matsukawa Words, Vocal & Movie by Mamiko Ikeda Same video in Yoichi's channel Spin-off song「種」"A Seed" 雨の雫が 雲が 雪の結晶が、二度同じ顔を見せることはない。たまたまそこに居合わせ、同じ流れをつかみ一瞬でも同じ方向を見る、それを奇跡と呼ぶのかな。... 松川ヨウイチさんのオリジナル曲「フェニックス」に絵付した時ですね、(そんなつもりなかったけど、振り返れば「イヤとは言わせないぞ」的状況で(^^;) 私の詩「蕾む時」に曲付をお願いしてから二年。派生歌「種」が先に出来て、それから「蕾む時、こんな感じどう?」から完成版まで実に30回近くの塗り替え。そして、音源が完成してヨウイチさんに「早く~」と急かされつつ焦らせてしまいながら、私はエクスペリメンタル風抽象絵付に時間をかけ…やっと私的に思い描いた絵付が出来たのです。私たちはそれぞれに目指すところの作品が出来て、それを融合した形にすることができました。楽しい長旅でした。ヨウイチさん、どうもありがとうございました!! Raindrop, cloud or snowflake never shows the same face twice. If I happen to be there, tap into a flow and look at the same direction, I may call it a miracle. ... Right after I made animation for “Phoenix,” an original song by Yoichi Matsukawa, about two years ago, I asked Yoichi to make music for my poem “Benighted Time." First he made the spin-off song “A Seed,” then started to work on this song. He was really into it and modified this song/mix about thirty times! When he finally completed the final mix, he wanted to make it to the public right away, but then it was my turn to complete the visuals. It took time to express what was in my eyes in abstract/experimental ways. I made him wait patiently, and now I think I made it as what I wanted. Yoichi made the sounds as he expected as well. Then at last, the sounds and the visuals were blended nicely. It was a long yet fun journey. Thank you very much, Yoichi san! |
September 2024
AuthorMamiko Ikeda Categories |