It was a very cold Friday evening but really warm inside of the gallery ^^♪ Thank you William Havu Gallery (^^♪ /~ すっかり冬のような気候だった金曜、画廊の中は熱気であふれていました。ウイリアム・ハブー画廊にて。
I've started to practice Sanshin (Okinawan instrument). 三線で弾き語り(超初心者) American Hearts (the Air Supply's song) cover by Charme (From my high school time) 高校時代の音源4♪8/15/2014
I was at the Live Cafe Kariyushi this afternoon, and Miyako and Tecchan from Kariyushi Band taught me how to play Sanshin. I'm a totally beginner, but I could play some simple melodies! Though it will take time to play Sanshin and sing, at least I took the first step. (photo: me with Tabata Tecchan.) 紅型着物にギターはやっぱりあんまり合わないかも…でも、弾いちゃったけど。これから三線を習得する予定なので、次回は三線弾き語りをしたいと思います。
Okinawan kimono and guitar don't suit well...?? (Today I played the guitar in Okinawan kimono anyway)^^♪ I will practice Sanshin (Okinawan three strings instrument) this year, so next time I will be able to perform Sanshin!! |
September 2024
AuthorMamiko Ikeda Categories |