I saw the mountain was on fire while my husband was driving along the freeway this afternoon. It's hard to see in this photo, but I even could see the orange blaze right on the mountain. I heard it's already eight mountain fires in Colorado now, and is this the new mountain fire? I found later that it was in Flagstaff, near Boulder. We don't have much rain here this year and have unusually high temperature these days like midsummer. I pray that all the fires will be contained soon.
今日の午後、高速を走っていたら、前方の山が燃えているのが見えました。写真では良く分かりませんが、山から煙の出ているすぐそばには、オレンジ色の炎さ え見えました。既にコロラド州内で8カ所の山火事が起こっているのに、この火事は新たに起こったばかり?家に戻って見てみたら、ボルダーのそば、フラグス タッフだということです。今、雨も少なく、気温も例年よりはるかに高く既に真夏のような日々が続いています。一日も早く、数々の山火事が収まることを祈ります。
I saw the mountain was on fire while my husband was driving along the freeway this afternoon. It's hard to see in this photo, but I even could see the orange blaze right on the mountain. I heard it's already eight mountain fires in Colorado now, and is this the new mountain fire? I found later that it was in Flagstaff, near Boulder. We don't have much rain here this year and have unusually high temperature these days like midsummer. I pray that all the fires will be contained soon.
猛暑の日々が続く中、街のいろいろな場所でコミュニティ・フェアが行われています。 暑さに負けず、夏を乗り切りましょう。 今日、夫が昨年の日本への義援金活動のためのTシャツを着ていたので、私も思い出して着てみました。去年の今頃は、コロラドでもいろいろなところで義援金集めのイベントがあり、私達もできる限り参加、お手伝いをしました。 思い立ち、私が筆書き部分を担当させていただいたTシャツの写真を撮りました。 This morning, my husband wore a T-shirt of "Ganbare Japan." Since 311 last year, there have been lots of charity events for Japan, and my husband and I have participated and helped as much as we could. We haven't been in Japan, so wanted to do what we could do here in the States. Those photos are the T-shirts I have helped with "brush and ink" parts. 今月、夫が 「mamikoikeda.com」を取ってくれたので、ウェブサイトをまたまた新しくしました。そして、それを機にブログも始めてみることにしました。 先週末は、「祝!公園でギター♪」日だったので、ギターを持ち歩くお供に「ナガシのクマさん」マスコット(赤いてぬぐいマフラーにした「神田川」ベアーです☆)を作り、私のギターに付けて一緒に行きました。猛暑の中、お友達と4時間近くギター弾きました! 外で音楽、楽しいですね♪ My husband got URL "mamikoikeda.com" for me this month, so I re-created my website again. I found I could add blog easily, so I decided to start my blog here. Last weekend, I played guitar at a park, for the first time to play guitar outside, so I put "strolling guitar player bear" as my guitar mascot. ♪ I played guitar for nearly four hours at the park with my friend. Outdoor music was really a fun! |
September 2024
AuthorMamiko Ikeda Categories |