I had a music band, Charme, when I was in high school. We started with duo, and then became unit. We quit performing together after graduating high school, but reunited after xx years!
I am back in town now. A trip to Japan this time was indeed a time travel to my old days and to the Internet world becoming real. I had a music session with my high school friends, which was lots of fun!, And in the past two years I made lots of music friends through Internet, and we made many collaborative pieces (music and movies including animation), but never met them in person. Strange, huh? But it had worked fine. This time I met those music friends in person, and everybody was very nice! I didn't feel it was the very first time to meet them. Oh, and also...I went through my old stuff left at my parents' house, and found my high school bands' cassette tapes, old photos, etc, etc. I had a photographer friend, and he took this one when I was at 18(?) right after graduated from high school. Hmmmm, I was young, really young! Now, time travel was over, and I come back to my actual age in my daily life.
今回の日本行きは、若かりし頃へのタイムトラベル&ネット界から実際の世界への旅でした。高校同窓生との音楽セッションは、最高でした~!そして過去二年ほどで、私はネットを通じてたくさんの友達を作り、コラボ作品(音楽やアニメを含む動画)を作ってきましたが、実際にはお会いしたことがなかったのです。不思議ですよね?でも、とてもうまくいってました。 今回、そのうち何名かの方と直にお会いしましたが、皆さん良い方ばかりで、初めてという気はしませんでした!!そんな合間に実家に残してある私物整理していたら、高校の時のバンドの音源やら写真やら出てきました。カメラマンの友人が私が高校卒業直後くらいに撮ってくれた写真も出てきた。やっぱ昔は若かったんだね~。さて、そんなわけで…タイムトラベル終了。実年齢&日常生活に戻ります。 Me with the music band members when I was in High School. (I'm at the second from the right in the second line.)
September 2024
AuthorMamiko Ikeda Categories |