今朝は、外気温が11°F、摂氏では、約−12℃。連日寒いので、今日も寒いことは分かっていましたが、またまた気合でGO!! 朝焼けを楽しむにはあまりにも寒いので、日の出直前にスタンバイ。といっても15分くらいは外にいたかな。シャッターを押す手が感覚がないくらい冷たかったです。
It's New Year now! This morning, my husband and I went to see the New Year's sunrise at the Red Rocks, which is a sort of our tradition♪ The outdoor air temperature was 11F, or -12C. It's freezing, but we really wanted to see the sunrise! We had been out only for 15 minutes or so, but my fingers felt numb when I was pressing the shutter button. When finally we saw the sunrise, I was impressed! ☆Yeah☆
I wish you all a wonderful year in 2013.