Nan Desu Kan 8/30-9/1, 2024.
Always so good to see Japanese anime, culture & art lovers! Thank you Nan Desu Kan for having us for a Japanese calligraphy class and Okinawa Sanshin performances again this year. 日本のアニメ、文化、芸術を好きなたくさんの人が集まるナンデスカンでは、いつも楽しいひと時が過ごせます。今年も、書道クラスと三線演奏の機会をいただけて感謝です I had another wonderful Japanese Calligraphy workshop at Art Students League of Denver. I thank all the participants who created giligent yet pleasant energy. In this workshop, we practiced the saying 万里一空 (Ban Ri Itsu Kuu), which shows spirit of a famous sword master Musashi Miyamoto. “It may be a long way to reach your goal, but don’t lose it. All is under the one big Sky.”
On January 20, after the coldest week in Colorado, I had a Japanese calligraphy brush pen workshop with Japan America Society of Colorado. I truly feel grateful for the society and the participants for the wonderful opportunity! Read more in the JASC newsletter!
Some photos/video from Nan Desu Kan 2023 (NDK), held September 1-3. I did two Okinawa Sanshin performances and a Shodo (Japanese Calligraphy) class.
Busy weekend but so much fun. Recently I started to practice Amami Sanshin, and started to perform some tunes. As I perform in public more, I believe it'll be better. I truly thank all the staff members for making this amazing event possible. 9月1~3日に行われたNan Desu Kanの写真・動画を少し。 三線演奏二回と書道クラスを楽しくさせていただきました。ここ最近は、奄美三線の練習もしていて、ちょっとずつ公の場でも弾かせていただいています。まだ度胸試しって感じですが、引き続き練習します。Nan Desu Kanスタッフの皆々様には本当に感謝です。 Two classes were completed today; two-day Japanese calligraphy as Art workshop and two-hour sampler Japanese calligraphy as Art class at Art Students League of Denver. I am very grateful for having wonderful classes again. Each time a class group creates unique atmosphere, and we had very comfortable and cheering classes.
On the second day of two-day workshop, we worked on a saying "一念通天 (Ichi Nen Tuu Ten)." It literally means that one strong thought goes to Heaven, or "Where there is a will, there is a way." This saying holds a good memory as I wrote this saying in my elemental school's graduation message books . In the sampler class, we worked on a character 永 (for ever), as this character contains eight basic brush strokes. I hope everybody participated will keep having an interest in Japanese calligraphy and brush mark makings. Thank you. Bravo, everyone 二日間の書道ワークショップの二日目と、二時間の体験書道クラスを行いました。ワークショップでは皆さん「一念通天」、体験クラスでは「永」字を仕上げました。毎回集まった皆さんが独特の雰囲気を創り出しますが、今回はどちらも大変心地よく励まされるクラスでした。ありがとうございます。 9年ぶりの夫の故郷与論島への帰省(2023年4-5月)の際に、貝工房かざばなの青木さんが夫をインタビュー。私もちょこっと参加。
Mr. Aoki at the Shell Studio Kazahana interviewed my husband Homare Ikeda, and I was with him talking what I do in US. This time at the Japanese calligraphy (Shodo) workshop at the Art Students League of Denver, we practiced a Zen Buddhism saying “一笑千山青 – Issho (sureba) Senzan Ao (shi)” which literally means one smile makes thousand mountains blue. It says that when confronting troubles or hardships, a smile helps you to see clearer and overcome them. I always admire that everyone works very hard to practice each stroke and character during the workshop. Each time after my workshop, I feel it’s important to get back to the basics occasionally. I am so grateful for another wonderful opportunity to introduce Japanese calligraphy.
CSU's Instagram posting: Click Here! I am honored to be able to serve as one of the jurors for the wonderful exhibition. |
September 2024
AuthorMamiko Ikeda Categories |